“Who you are is limited only by who you think you are.”
Exporting has become a hot ticket, the trend since the 90s. Big companies have been doing it for years. Small companies are also getting into the act. But there is still plenty of room for imaginative entrepreneurs, particularly in Africa. The current economic situation in America had demanded that we look beyond the boundaries of America and look overseas, however the hope for America is Africa.
Although most Americans have seen media depiction of Africa as a land of suffering, instability and economic failure, Africa is a huge continent, about three times the size of America—-with a vast market opportunities for creative minds.
Mabi Conti offers export management and consulting services to small U.S. companies interested in doing in Africa, particularly in West Africa.
I can help you with market development and entry strategy and product/market evaluation. I look forward to hear from you soon. Take advantage of my know-how.
Welcome To the Secret Of Making Money In Africa
These articles was written to keep you thinking, to help you enter the African market and to dispel the negative myths about doing business in Africa. The internet has make things even easier than years ago, so there is no reason not to look into the Africa marketplace.
My approach to exporting to, or investing in Africa, is both direct and realistic. I understand Africa culture and the African marketplace. I am also familiar with American domestic and international business practices and see no reason why Americans cannot have a significant share of Africa’s open and vast marketplace.
Historically, foreigners with grand schemes of exploitation, ravished many African lands and left many trusting Africans disillusioned. My object is to build a trusting and mutually beneficial African and American business relationship.
The African continent is nearly three times the size of the United States. It is a land rich in natural resources and under-developed opportunities.
As African countries gained their independence’s, they anticipated land ownership, free education, improved medical care, better public services and more consumer goods. But independence proved to be a disappointment. Even now, after generations of liberation’s in most Africa, it is the only continent where for the past decades per-capital-good production has declined.
African society is under-developed not because of poverty and backwardness, but because its indigenous forces do not function or flourish. The farmers, (But poor class), are exploited, the elite are squanders and the middle class is non-existent.
Someday this will change. Already many African nations are making significant economic reforms, including trimming government payrolls, selling many state-run industries and services, slashing the value of inflated currencies and spending more on agriculture. One good guess is that Africa needs more than $15 billion a year to maintain its continuing transition. More help from the West will preserve change and an economically healthy African continent guarantees more market for American products and services.
But Americans cannot afford to wait for a perfect economic environment before trading with Africa. Other nations, including Japan, China, and many Europeans countries are already taking advantage of American’s absence.
Most American businesses consider doing business in Africa too risky. No business or venture is risk proof or without its risks. But consider the possibilities: 75 to 95% of all African consumer goods are imported. Almost the entire African continent is a seller’s market. That means you do not have to be a big company with big mane to win the African consumers. Since there are so few local manufacturers and such great demand. African consumers always buy whatever is obtainable. Therefore, in Africa, your customers are practically guaranteed. Nowhere else in the world is there a market more readily available.
The key to making money in Africa is to be where the Africans consumers can find you—in Africa. Also, you must go into an Africa export venture open to business cultural differences, that makes doing business in Africa unique.
One of the greatest benefits of exporting to Africa lie in the advantages you gain from being on the ground floor of Africa’s overall and forthcoming industrialization.